![]() 07/08/2016 at 08:50 • Filed to: Dallas | ![]() | ![]() |
Lived here all my life and never experienced anything like this. Hundreds of people in peaceful protest and this happens. 5 officers dead.
Edit: for those of you that haven’t seen it yet. -
(Not my photo)
If you want to help there is a foundation that supports DFW area officers and their families. They are non profit and they straight up cut checks to families of injured or killed officers and fire fighters You can find the link in the r/Dallas subreddit (stickied) or go !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!!
![]() 07/08/2016 at 08:55 |
Early reports stating there were no arrests prior to the start of the terrorist attack. Meaning that from a protester’s POV it was genuinely oeaceful in every way.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 08:59 |
Yeah this is hardly the first rally we’ve had in Dallas. They’re always pretty subdued and organized. The worst thing I can remember before this was when Trump was in town and somebody threw a rock and hit a reporter.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:00 |
I guess Americans pray when something like this happen, no? So let’s pray! ‘til next time!
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:05 |
I’m just reading about this for the first time this morning...horrible situation. I was really confused because I was like “Dallas wasn’t the site of any of these recent police shootings” and then I realized that nutjobs are just going to lash out anyone they feel like. I’m not saying revenge against specific Baton Rouge or St. Paul PDs would be justified, but at least it would halfway make sense (from a motive POV). This is just completely ridiculous and horrific. And to do it while riding the coattails of peaceful protest — that’s pure terrorism.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:06 |
Is it really a terrorist attack if they were specifically targeting government forces in uniform? Not supporting it, but it doesn’t feel like terrorism to me. It doesn’t make me wonder if I’m next. It wasn’t an attack on civilians (and before you say that cops are civilians too, they refer to the citizens they’re supposed to protect as civilians), and it wasn’t indiscriminate. There’s a really good case for this being insurrection as opposed to terrorism.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:14 |
Good point, I’m sure you’re aware that terrorism is usually based on intent to instill fear in a group of people and to disrupt normal everyday lives.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:15 |
Who said it was a terrorist attack?
I don’t consider it as such. At most, domestic terrorism.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:17 |
Yeah, this is really surprising for me. Dallas in particular has handled the recent backlash towards police rather well. I suspect it will make more sense once they know more about the suspects.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:18 |
I was replying to Saldana, who did describe it as a terrorist act.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:19 |
Terrorism can take any form, as the primary intent is to instill fear in a group of people. The Boston Tea Party, for example, was an act of terrorism against the British government.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:21 |
Terrorism usually has a greater political motive to it. This seems to have been motivated by petty hatred: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-…
Doesn’t make it any less senseless or play less into the hands of the bigots with a disturbingly ever-increasing grip on American Conservative politics, though.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:22 |
On a larger front, I’m really starting to get concerned about whether police will be pressure to “tone it down” even in cases where force really is justified. The problem with statistics is that we all know about these handful of horrible outcomes, but in most cases we don’t know the denominator — how many other situations
escalate to deadly force, but easily could have. We never count those as lives saved or deaths avoided, we only tend to notice the negative.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:23 |
I’m curious if you realize how terrible comment is in the wake of such tragedy. Mocking people’s beliefs is really inappropriate.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:23 |
Only now would the Boston Tea Party be considered terrorism and it’s because of how poorly worses and intentionally broad the definition got during the green scare which (I shit you not) technically makes people who are vegan for ethical reasons terrorists since boycotts and protests were included in the economic damage language. The bar was set at $5000.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:25 |
Sure it is.... Let’s pray more.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:26 |
Is there a difference in prosecution if something is called Terrorism vs Insurrection? I don’t know the nuances, but if everything is peaceful and the attacks are carried out guerilla style by hidden combatants, it “feels” like terrorism, regardless of the victims. I’m genuinely asking, I know terrorism is thrown around a lot.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:26 |
Media reporting is so biased and people get so worked up over media reports that may or may not be correct. That doesn’t help.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:29 |
I’m going to say the same thing I said after Pulse. No one needs your thoughts and prayers. If you give a shit, give blood.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:29 |
Wow, way to be really insensitive in the wake of yesterday’s events as well as what the mods talked about.
I did, I gave blood this morning. What did you do other than belittle?
Edited for proof:
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:29 |
It hasn’t worked thus far, but I’ve got a good feeling about this time
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I don’t pray or even believe, but I’m also not someone who is going to mock someone else for what they believe in as I respect others.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:30 |
I really don’t know what to think about all of this.
All I can say at this point is that none of these killings are justified. And that something needs to be done to address the issues that caused all of this.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:33 |
Oh yeah, it’s too close from the actual murders to actually do anything right?? Then another shoottingh occurs and once again, it’s too close to do something, then one more, and one more...etc
You think I mock people’s beliefs?? No, I mock people’s lack of obvious will to solve problems. The US is the ONLY country with problems like this that reach such an extend. And only thing you do is pray, shootings after shootings. So yes, fuck praying. Do something useful instead. Spam your elected officials, get that weird uncle of yours to understand that he doesn’t need an AR-15 to feed his family and protect his kids. Just do something. Or do nothing, pray... Up to you.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:33 |
Legally these days it’s terrorism to be vegan if for ethical reasons, so I try to avoid using post-9/11 US legal definition. I stick with the intent towards
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He’s French though, well, an escaped one.
I am sure it was fine when people prayed after the cowardice in Paris last November.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:33 |
Then the Revolutionary War that followed was the act of terrorism, if we go with the basic, dictionary definition “the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims”.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:34 |
I’m going to mock them for the disrespect they’re showing the victims ny throwing around meaningless words.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:35 |
There’s not really a firm codified definition, but the most broadly accepted is that it requires organization (ie more than one person), pre-coordination, and a political motive. This is pretty gray under that rule...It hits 1&2 but 3 is an open question. If they find evidence that ‘we did this in order to drive XXX change’ it’d fit. If the evidence points to ‘we did this because we really hate police’ it would not.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:35 |
THIS time is the one... Feeling it too.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:35 |
That includes all government action.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:36 |
Honestly, the main problem I’m seeing in these cases is that the cops are intentionally sabotaging their bodycams and stuff. If force is justified, they shouldn’t have any problem being recorded.
But I do think the media should try to offset the bad image by reporting more successful arrests and whatnot. Most cops are good people.
It is terrifying though. Just one crooked cop is too many.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:39 |
Yes, but this is typically a group of people who aren’t a governmental body. When it’s a governmental body, it just becomes warfare.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:46 |
Back it down a tad. Speaking in my moderator voice, this isn’t the best time to mock the American people with generalities. This was a shock, it was an attack on a successful peaceful protest, which had police officers taking pictures with protesters and posting them to social media (from the official DPD twitter account).
Speaking just for myself as a lifelong areligious person, there are actually times and places to question (or even mock) reliance on religion, while a nation is trying to figure out what happened, and how they should respond to an attack of this nature, is not one of those times.
This comment and your responses are not approaching anywhere near the “Be Excellent To Each Other” principle, and as such I’ve got to ask you to reel it back in.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:47 |
I’m with you on the fact that the “Let’s Pray” response really doesn’t accomplish much. I loved when all the old white Government Reps. offered prayer after gay people were killed who I am sure they had worked against for years while in political office.
But you still sound like a douche bag flying in with that remark. Cheers
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:48 |
I responded to the wrong person. This response was for you not Flavien http://oppositelock.kinja.com/wow-way-to-be-…
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:50 |
I probably shouldn’t have responded myself. I apologize for inflaming the situation. I will stop rebutting as well.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:53 |
Nah, you were pretty reasonable, and clearly somewhat impassioned by the events that transpired. I wouldn’t worry too much.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:54 |
“Quick, pull out your iPhone, this cop is about to let my brother off with a warning even though he was going 72 in a 65 and his tag is expired!"
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:55 |
It really isnt a terrible comment
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:56 |
How many years now has the “let’s pray” or “let not address the problem, we’re morning” thing been around?? Do you find it normal? It’s NEVER going to end with that kind of state of mind. Never. It’s litteraly never the right time to talk about things and never the right time to do anything. Most mass shootings in the US don’t even make to nationwide media due to how common it is. So ys, screw that fatalistic attitude, stop praying, if anything had to come up from it it would have a long time ago, and for fuck do something... Or as I said, do nothing and keep praying. Then next week when something else happens, keep on praying...
I’ve lived in the US long enough to have tons of friends there and actually like the country. Fuck that state of mind really. It does not solve anything and never will.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:58 |
You gave blood?? Really? You wait for shootings and are proud of giving blood? What about doing something so that you don’t have to give blood every tie a shooting occur?? Also I don’t live in the US anymore, I’m in Japan now. If you have any idea as to what I could do, go ahead. Listening.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 09:58 |
Looks a lot like domestic terrorism to me. Also the shooter said he was specifically targeting whites and white officers in particular, so also a hate crime .
![]() 07/08/2016 at 10:06 |
The comment wasn’t meant for you, kinja/I messed up the reply. SidewaysOnDirt misses Bowie told me to give blood and I was replying with that I did. I normally don’t share these things because it undermines doing something positive. I don’t look for recognition but when someone is responding the way he was, I was showing proof I actually did something other than being an internet warrior.
You could try being a compassionate human rather than stirring the pot for not unnecessary reason other than your belief system is different than others. You don’t know if they are doing other things to help other than pray.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 10:07 |
I don’t agree with these cops being shot to death but the justice system and the media needs to take some accountability. You can’t just be oppressing minority’s and expect nothing to happen these cops kill innocents including kids and nothing happens? What did they expect?
“Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe”.
Frederick Douglass
![]() 07/08/2016 at 10:09 |
Antagonizing people by mocking their closely held beliefs is not the way to bring about effective change. And I suspect you realize this. Please take this into consideration and realize that this is not neither the time, nor place, to make these statements. Regardless of how much I agree with you, it’s not what any of need to deal with.
(And for the record, I’ve never had any religious beliefs, ever, in 41 years).
![]() 07/08/2016 at 10:10 |
Sorry man, but as much as I understand people who believe in praying, there is a time when you actually have to do something, and praying is NOT going to help the situation. It hasn’t for the past 10 years and never will. The fact that certain people postpone proper actual action due to “mourning” is also something I find truly disgusting.
And as you say, I don’t know if they do anything other than praying, but to those who don’t and still advocate it after all these years, screw them.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 10:12 |
Not allowed to give blood :/ While I did nothing
and wouldn’t, I have in the past been very active with regards to activism. I don’t buy the “most police are good” line of reasoning. If that were true, we’d see some of them end up behind bars every once in a while. If that were true, when I was mugged a few years ago, the cops wouldn’t have jumped out of their cars ready to kick some ass then been visibly disappointed and decided that it wasn’t worth their time since my attackers were white then proceed to make fun of me for “being a pussy” for losing to
four other people.
If most cops were good, I wouldn’t have seen my friends trampled by police on horses at an anti-KKK rally. If most cops were good, we wouldn’t have found out later that the KKK rally in question was organized by the FBI to generate a counter-protest in order to keep track of civil rights activists. If most cops were good, I wouldn’t have seen lines of them surround peaceful protestors with a legal right to protest (fully organized, permitted, etc) and attack at the FTAA protests in ‘03. Maybe I’d have some sympathy if I saw the police do good every once in a while, but I never do. Yeah, there’s the occasional FB post about one doing something, but I’ve never seen it in person, so I’m more likely to think the good ones are the exception. I’ve only ever seen thugs trying to prove how badass they are. Ever notice the firemen out on the street corner collecting money for children’s charity? When was the last time the police have asked you for money for anything other than the PBA - their union/lobbying group? One of the most startling things I remember about Europe was how approachable the cops were. They were friendly and had a generally “there to help” attitude about everything. Here they’re trained to treat you like a suspect and threat and if you take umbrage to that, you’re resisting. NWA nailed it.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 10:15 |
The point is, do you think mocking someone’s beliefs is going to bring about change? Probably not. Having an open respectful dialogue has better odds.
As they say, you attract more with honey than you do with vinegar.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 10:18 |
I don’t antagonize people. “Praying” in the US, has been the one and only answer to shootings for as long as I can remember. And as I said, it’s NEVER the time. There’s always a shooting to pray for and dead people to remember. To quote the NRA, “Now is not the time...”. I understand your position, that you want people to be “excellent to each other”, but there is difference between going after someone for his belief (which I have not done. I mock people who do nothing else other than praying, shootings after shootings) and aiming for a way of thinking that has proven to be useless and that leads to nothing good. So if it’s not the time right now, when will it be?
![]() 07/08/2016 at 10:20 |
Um what? Definitely letting this discourse die given this completely off topic rant.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 10:23 |
I don’t because because I think “prayers” and “mourning periods” are the one thing that slow the whole process thing down. As I’ve said, there is always a shooting and it’s never the time. This is a political issue within the US, and political decision are made from debates. If it’s never the time to talk about it and get people to realize that their prayers will not solve anything, then the fight is lost already.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 10:24 |
To you I have no reply.
To others reading this - Don’t feed the troll.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 10:27 |
That is fine. Talk about it in a civilized manner. Mocking it on an oPPo blog isn’t going to bring about change.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 10:40 |
It most certainly won’t, but it does help me vent for sure. And I wasn’t being not“excellent” to anyone. It’s a general thought about things. I don’t see Oppo as a safe space from things I can say. On the other hand I see Oppo as a place where I can mock certain attitudes and beliefs and get people who don’t agree with me to answer, creating some sort of debate. Which is what you’re doing right now.
If I were to be the kind of people who think praying to a guy in the sky solve any thing, I would not go on the internet, hoping to see comments who solely agree with my beliefs. I would not mock that guy directly, but I’d definitely point out that poeple who think that way don’t solve anything “shooting-wise”
![]() 07/08/2016 at 10:42 |
So when is the time? I see no issue at all with what he’s doing and saying, or even to the level he’s saying it.
America’s dirty laundry needs to be aired out. There’s never a good time to do so like the present
![]() 07/08/2016 at 10:49 |
Understood. All I’m asking for is that you be aware of how your comments will be interpreted based on where and when you are commenting.
And for the record. I largely agree with you. But I don’t want this to turn into a much larger argument.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 10:50 |
Now is the time. I'm not opposed to that. Just don't mock or insult.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 10:52 |
It’s not my plan to do that and I never transform my opinions into personal attacks. I do on the other hand firmly believe that people need to move their asses and actually do something for a change :)
This whole praying and not the time thing just tend to make me raise eyebrows quite a bit :)
![]() 07/08/2016 at 10:54 |
No worries. I apologize for causing any confusion. Thanks for understanding.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 11:15 |
Your line of thinking is wrong, but I’m done “discussing” because there is no changing poor judgment such as this.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 11:30 |
From the actions of the officers in Dallas, it seems that they have very good training. We get a cop in Minnesota shooting a guy after asking him to get his license, and yet these cops managed not to shoot a single innocent person as they’re being fired at by snipers while surrounded by people who were protesting them. I’m guessing that the shooters were trying to get the cops to shoot protesters, thus sparking some sort of civil unrest. Good on the cops for keeping their heads on straight under duress, as we could have all been dealing with an even bigger shit show this morning if even one of them didn’t
![]() 07/08/2016 at 11:33 |
That’s a pretty weird way to look at life. “I wasn’t shot to death today, therefore my life was saved.” We live in the wealthiest nation to ever exist on earth, not some third world shit hole. I don’t know how else to put it, but we need to be a lot better than we are.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 11:34 |
People who go out and murder people they don’t know are not thinking rationally. Blaming media reports for the actions of mentally unstable individuals is counterproductive.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 11:36 |
I'm not trolling buddy just telling the truth. I am a minority (Hispanic) what do you have to say to the family of every black person that has been shot to death that if they speak up they are a troll? Something needs to happen I don't want it to be this shooting against cops but how much are people going to take?
![]() 07/08/2016 at 11:37 |
By that definition, wouldn’t the “Shock and Awe” campaign at the beginning of the Iraq War be considered a terrorist attack, since it’s stated goal was the scare the shit out of the Iraqis?
![]() 07/08/2016 at 11:47 |
Media reporting biased or incorrect information isn’t productive either.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 11:51 |
Yeah, I’ve been consistently impressed with DPD and Dallas County Sherriff officers/SWAT. Professional, restrained, effective.
I remember a few years ago, a rival cartel tipped DPD off to a stash house and DPD raided it. Suspects scattered, shots fired, one killed. This was in a very rough neighborhood that quickly gathered a crowd. There were no riot police or APC’s called out a la Henderson. Just Sherrif cars and DPD maintaining a perimeter and not engaging. Helicopter footage showed a crowd control crew parked about a half mile away in a private parking lot, if needed. No escalation, just ready to respond if needed.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 11:53 |
Back up just a little...our sample isn't "everyone who isn't killed by the police each day" (that would definitely be a sad way to view life) — it has to be the number of people involved in police confrontations each day. Given all the paperwork, I'm sure there's a way to figure this out. That's the denominator; shootings/killings are the numerators.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 11:54 |
Absolutely +1 million on the Dallas PD here. Those snipers were using some Hamas-style tactics in trying to incite a mass shooting of some kind.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 11:55 |
Let me just say that as an American i laughed at your comment because of how true it is.
We have serious issues in our country right now. And instead of doing anything about it, we pray and look to some higher up who may not even be there to help fix the wrongdoings in our country.
Right now, this has been spreading like wildfire on my social media (I do live in the south)
And it’s shit like this that proves how fucked we are. Some of these people are so ignorant they don’t realize religion causes most wars. They don’t realize we are in a country where we are not forced to have a god. They don’t realize we, as actual people, can change things by signing petitions and talking to congresspeople and electing the right officials.
But no, let’s pray that God gives everyone a gun because apparently this won’t happen if everyone is carrying.
(I was going to write a piece on this, but figured it’ll be better here for now)
![]() 07/08/2016 at 12:04 |
Correct, but it also isn’t the reason crazy people do crazy things. There’s a reason this shooting stands out, despite the recent publicity aimed at cops shooting unarmed black people. If a normally functioning person could be turned to violence by what they saw on the news, this shit would be happening every other day.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 12:08 |
They seem to interact with the population of the city as fellow citizens, rather than with an “us vs them” mentality. Lots of stories from protesters commenting on the positive interaction between cops and protesters throughout the protest.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 12:12 |
Seeing as how a lot of 1st world countries don’t even arm their local police, that’s still a pretty depressing metric to use when trying to analyze police interaction with their fellow citizens.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 12:19 |
This city’s police force is exemplary and is in no way deserving of these deaths. I refuse to accept the actions of these individuals as an inevitability or an understandable response.
This doesn’t help anyone on either side of the issue.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 12:22 |
I agree, but necessary.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 13:36 |
I agree it is necessary, and in its necessity lies the problem.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 13:57 |
Well, in the chicken & egg situation, it’s not like the people are armed
the police are armed. Far more the opposite. Our culture is broken (all of the first world), it's just that the US tends to be at the forefront and exhibits more symptoms, and earlier.
![]() 07/08/2016 at 14:18 |
For one, there is no “our culture” in America, or between the rest of the first world. There are a plethora of cultures. Secondly, the US is most definitely not at the forefront in regards to first world societies. We are still exhibiting many of the attributes of a third world society. The issues we are dealing with today have plagued America since before its inception. We live in an extremely violent society compared to other first world nations. Despite its prevalence in the news, we are slowly becoming less violent. We are slowly catching up to other first world societies, I just hope we don’t burn ourselves to the ground before we do.
![]() 07/09/2016 at 01:18 |
Maybe the police officers should come out and say that there is a problem.
![]() 07/09/2016 at 05:19 |
Oh the infamous “He’s french” argument... That should shut me up.
I have nothing against praying. But when it’s the only “acceptable solution” for a massive amount of people, then fuck it. People want to “pray for Paris”, they should go ahead. If that was the only thing that was done to prevent another attack though, again, fuck it.
But when Paris shootings occured, nobody was saying that “Now is not the time” to act and do anything possible to prevent it to happen again.
![]() 07/09/2016 at 08:50 |
“We are heartbroken. There are no words to describe the atrocity that occurred to our city. All I know is that this must stop, this divisiveness between our police and our citizens.”- Dallas Police Chief Brown
Events like this just make the problem worse by escalating the tension felt in any interaction between police and citizens. That tension is going to contribute to more possible mistakes. I’m not going to justify the actions of the officers in Louisiana or Minnesota, both of those shootings appear to be VERY wrong on the officer’s part. But DPD was not involved and has not had any shootings like this in my memory. They are one of the best departments for transparency and community involvement and communication. Taking out this frustration on one of the few exemplary departments is just stupid.
![]() 07/09/2016 at 11:48 |
As if anything can shut you up :) Kidults are notorious babblers.
Who said prayer is the “only” solution? I am as non-religious as they come, but I don’t have a problem with some people praying in times of real crisis. Maybe I missed the “only”, but I don’t think so. The sad fact is, most people lack the means to do anything but pray.
Funny (but not in a ha-ha way) thing about the French horror, nobody is really doing anything to prevent it from happening again. In fact, dumbo EU immigration and demographic dogma make (many) similar future events a virtual certainty, not just in France but elsewhere. It’s not if, but when.
![]() 07/09/2016 at 20:59 |
I don’t think you know what you’re talking about very much. Ever since the terrorist attacks on Paris, France has been in a state of emergency situation. That means among many things, that borders have been closed since September. Between November and January, 6000 people have been sent back at the borders and refused entry. Certainly a lot more right now. There’s also military presence in the streets and laws have been temporarily modified to arrest dangerous Muslim extremists more easily. On top of that, France still does British work, controlling entries to the UK for them. I’d hardly call that nothing.
Not to mention that of all the terrorist attacks, 2 of all the terrorists were MAYBE refugees. And the least successful ones at that. All the other ones were either Belgium or French. And since most of the execution videos in Syria and elsewhere are done by people with perfect British accent, I wouldn’t really worry about immigrants, as much as I’d worry about the British Muslim extremists numbnuts that are actually dangerous and born in the UK (same situation for France, Belgium....) Luckily for Brits, they live on an island, ALWAYS had border control and bringing in weapons is much much harder than in the rest of Europe. This is the reason why most terrorist attacks in the UK have historically been bombings.
So if you call that nothing, good on you, but it’s a lot more than what has been done in the US after the Pulse.
![]() 07/09/2016 at 21:27 |
Of course I don’t know. You’re French - nobody can teach you anything, you know it all already, and you will be first to tell everyone how much you know and how little they know. I see you’ve already walked past your whining about prayer. I still didn’t see the “only” ideal you were bitching about.
Nice defense of the worst demographic and immigration policy (the “born in” distraction is always a good one, by those who don’t see it too is a symptom of mistakes), but nobody buys it. When and where will be the next horror, and how will the bleeding hearts and brainwashed guilted generation-of-68 types and their minions distract from their mistakes? I’m amused by the bitterness between Limeys and Frogs - both places are so similar - the same brutal unpunished empires etc, and both will likely end up as caliphates at best. People who escape with ample funding to one of the most homogeneous places in the developed world don’t worry about such things, yes.
I entered France 4 days after the November bombing, on the road from Italy. I was essentially waved through - didn’t have to stop, barely receiving a glance (in a German-plated car). It didn’t seem very tight - I’ve seen scrutiny not much less on some days crossing from Switzerland to Germany.
Pulse was a few weeks ago, the Paris tragedy was more than half a year ago. The latter is also a symptom of deeper issues. Of course more has been done, and more should be done. If you can’t see that, good on you. Feel free to get the last word, I am not into replying after a post is more than a day old. And I know you will, can’t resist. Good luck!
![]() 07/09/2016 at 23:03 |
So to summarize your thinking, french are frogs, brits are limeys, any muslim (or should I say brown people?) will never really be a citizen of the country he is born in, if that country is in Euope or US (because you know... “not brown poeple countries”) and Europe will be a muslim caliphate some day “at best”? Oh yes, and I “escaped” my country, because anyone who chooses or who ends up living outside of his own country, of course, runs away from something, right??
Do you have anymore of those xenophobic/bigoted generalities to do? Should I blame your attitude on the fact that you’re american? Or would that make me a xenophobic asshole for generalizing a 300 millions inhabitants population, based on a loud minority of backward racist bigots?
And yes, it did take a couple of weeks for borders to be closed again to a reasonnable level. When frontiers have been opened for years like this, closing them suddenly is not that easy. Also don’t forget that for a country with such great control of its borders, illegal immigrants in the US are estimated to be around 12 millions people in total. In the UK, a country with only 5 times less inhabitants, it is estimated to be between 400000 and 800000. So out of any country, the US is not really a great example of controlled immigration lol. Just consider yourself lucky you share no land borders with all the countries bombed by the US, because if you did, problems would certainly be a lot more massive than they are. But hey, sure, immigration is awful and muslims are responsible for everything.
Anyway what was done since the Pulse?? Yup, praying. But to the “right god”, that’s much better, huh?
![]() 07/09/2016 at 23:16 |
Yes, you escaped, and now live via an allowance in the most culturally stable place in the first world, while lecturing others about their problems.
Pro tip, quotation marks are for sarcasm or actually quoting someone. You’re an expert at making claims with nothing to back them up, and now you play the strawman. Mommy and daddy were ripped off when they paid for your education.
The French did an lame-appearing job of controlling a busy land crossing shortly after a major attack. I was there and saw it firsthand. Anyone could have got in, even from Italy, which is a gateway. As I said before, when and where is the next attack? Funny how it is a homemade problem now. Good job, be proud.
Funny you whine about American bombs. When France answers to and pays for the endless sins of its sordid past, you have a right to complain. Until then, nope. Or maybe the shitty demographic and immigration policy is a weird way of payment, kind of a self-destructive repentance.
What has been done about the Pulse incident in the few weeks since? Google it - you have plenty of free time. Claiming that nothing has been done than prayer is amusing even from a superiority-filled 30-something Frenchie who hasn’t joined the adult world.
Oops, I went back on my word. But this is the last, I promise :) Knock yourself out, kidult. I’m done :)